
Like Ingwe, my wife and I have separate accounts both for personal spending money, and also running our separate ends of our business. As a result there's never any conflict about new guns or shoes, though she mostly buys hiking shoes and hunting boots, not "dress" shoes, and in fact hates shopping for handbags and clothes in general. The only minor conflict we have over guns is that I have more, so they take up more space in the safe.

The other day, in fact, I mentioned thinking about selling some guns as I start semi-retiring over the next few years. She got a little alarmed at that, asking why? She's a lot like the character played by Maureen O'Hara in THE QUIET MAN, preferring to "have my own things about me," even is some are mine.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck