Originally Posted by selmer
Originally Posted by Huntz
I always tell my wife" I just sold a bunch of stuff" when I bring something new home!!!!

I do too. And it's almost always the truth. And remember Man Rule #42.8 "If you get it into the place of residence and it resides there, without comment, whether visible or concealed, for 48 hours, you have 'always had that'". grin
BTDT...... I lost count of how many long guns that I've brought home and have sat out in my truck until the wife takes her shower. Only then do they make it into the house into one of the two safes. All she knows is that both safes contain a bunch of guns. Most of which have been in there "forever". Binoculars would be a bit harder, because they generally reside in an area of the house where the view is and they sit there and get picked up regularly. She'd notice new binoc's right away.