
There is no downside to trying the Lipoflavinoid, and there are no side effects. It is basically a tailored vitamin pill. B Vitamins and the flavinoid ingredient.

Over the years I have recommended it to several friends. A couple it didn't help at all, but a couple of friends got significant relief, just as I did.

Once when I ran out, I didn't take it for a few days. In about three days my tinnitus started coming back very noticeably. I started taking it again and the tinnitus lowered back down within two days. So I am convinced it helps me.

The instructions on the Lipoflavinoid says that it takes up to, or about, 60 days to get results. In my case, and my friends, we didn't notice anything for about six weeks, then there was a definite improvement. If you try it for 60 days and don't get results, the company will refund your money, if you want to go to the trouble of writing them.

That means that you have to buy two bottles in order to see if it will work for you. One bottle won't last long enough. Wal-Mart carries it in the vitamin section, usually not far from the Centrum Silver.

After I got results I dropped down to two pills a day, one morning and one at night. I have been taking it for about 8 or 9 years.

When I get a head cold my tinnitus gets very bad, reminding me that I still have it, and how bad it was. When I get over the cold it goes away and I seldom notice it.

Very loud noise will bring it back for a few hours, sometime. It is a curse on mankind, for sure.


"If you don't know where you're going, you may wind up somewhere else".
Yogi Berra