I've never seen the need for a second pack, especially if you have enough pockets (both built in and add ons) on your main pack and a guide lid.

The first Kifaru pack I bought was the original internal frame 7200 Timberline. Despite being quite capacious, when cinched down the pockets and sleeves worked well as a day pack. Now hunting brown bear with rain gear for 2 weeks is a different animal than a summer stroll, but again cinched down with the appropriate accessible pockets both native/tacked on has served me well for both getting to camp and then going out to glass.

For my sheep hunt I went Nomad and camp bag. for me perfect. Holds rain gear, scope and tripod easily. If I need to add on just a hair more volume I add a guide bag. My other duplex set up is an EMR for the (Timberline) above reasons.

FYI I've got 2 extra frames (24 & 26") and 2 DT2s gathering dust, all in Foliage.

Last edited by Tony_Soprano; 03/13/17.