Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Buzz, can you try to be a bit more condescending?

Wilderness has two meanings.

Wilderness has always meant wild, unimproved land. It hasn't been long that the definition has turned into what you refer to wilderness as.

I speak of the first definition.

As I said, there are deal breakers. Your little golden boy senator vote for gun control?

Did he vote to confirm the last SC justice? Deal breaker. You can keep him. My senator is Cruz. I'll keep him.

Good for Don Jr. Did he buy the membership, or did you guys send him one to add his name to the roster? laugh

Yeah, I know the definition is confusing for you, its only been around since 1964...

As to Tester, he gets an "A-" rating from the NRA, so no, he doesn't vote for gun control. He's from Montana, a farmer.

Matter of fact, he grew up about 10 miles from where my buddy and I killed these 2 deer:

[Linked Image]

I wish Tester was my Senator, he's damn good for sportsmen and the 2nd...and public lands, and responsible for getting wolves delisted in MT and ID.