Have a say? No, pole, should be veto power AND approval by Congress.

Buzzard and Sherm,

The fires up the North Fork were Roberts and Wedge, there's been so many up there and so much burned, I can't flipping remember any more. The 2001 fire was the Moose, that nuked Big Creek all the way to the old ranger station at the bottom, then R and W, plus Doris, Stanton etc etc in 2003.

Last year, there was a NEW fire in the Roberts burn, unsalvaged. My logging buddies made a lot of money trying to put that one out, one which should never have happened at that scale except it was never salvaged because of the Greens.
Red Meadow fire was the first biggie in 1988, super hot, jumped the North Fork river, all these fires, left to rot not just on the Park side (which is okay, it's a park) but to rot and burn again on the "multiple use" side.

Just an outrageous waste of habitat that could have been kept through logging and salvage, waste of millions of trees, all for the fetish that all forest fires are "natural" and therefore beneficial.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.