The problem with Paul Craig Roberts and was those like him, and I have definitely been guilty of this myself, is that he assumes that he is smarter than everyone else. Look, no one believes Assad is guilty of using chemical weapons. And many don't even care. It isn't as though the deep state is fooling anyone. If you want to thank Trump for one thing, thank him for the fact that his candidacy and subsequent win pulled the mask off the media more clearly than anything else could have. Soviet citizens had more faith in Pravda than many Americans do in any media source today.

As for Trump's actions in Syria. He bombed an airfield. What is an airfield? It is in essence a glorified pasture. He didn't hit infrastructure, power plants, road junctions, barracks, government buildings or anything else that would actually harm the Assad regime. AND he warned the Russians and the Syrians in advance just to make sure we wouldn't hit anything important.

And what has been the result? In Syria, Assad is still in power. Assad and the Russians are still winning. Assad grows stronger every single day. ISIS gets weaker every day. In America? The howling media firestorm of "muh Russians" was silenced practically instantly. It is no longer a story at all. Trump is moving ahead and appears ready to make major progress on repeal of the ACA and tax reform, not to mention getting his pick installed on SCOTUS.

The future will tell the tale and there will be lots of bumps in the road and misdirections, but it may turn out that instead of being captured by the deep state, the Syria strike was the day he check mated it.