Well, TRH, if the tinfoil hat fits................. grin

"Now all his opponents—the Deep State, the military/security complex, the CIA, the Hillary Democrats, the warmonger Republicans—have the New White House Fool under their control. If Trump doesn’t do as they want, they will impeach him for his war crime"

This is from Bristoe's link.

This is just retarded.

Trump may get impeached, but it 100% for certain won't be because he launched missions at Syria!

What the tinfoiler's need to turn their Eye of Sauron on is the FACT that multiple highly-placed folks in the Trump campaign and administration, such as his [bleep] NSA, were in direct comms with Russia, who conveniently meddled in our election to benefit Trump. Gosh Golly, could THAT be a big deal....? Naaah...........

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two