Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jeff_O

Hell Pat... I thought (think) Trump was a lying POS and I still didn't vote for Clinton- who's also a lying POS.

What is a bit astonishing to me is that some of the most tinfoil-hat MF'ers we have here bought into his BS hook, line, sinker, and the bait bucket up on shore.

If you mean to include me in that category, I made my position very clear throughout the race that he had my enthusiastic support only because at least, with him, I wasn't 100% sure he'd screw us over, as I was with virtually all the other Republican hopefuls, and Hillary both. Not only that, there was reason to hope that he actually meant what he said, since the entire deep state establishment was quite obviously scared sshitless that he might win and was pulling out all the stops to prevent it. Sadly, all those same folks are now happy as pigs in mud over the new, post-election, Donald Trump.

Jeff doesn't understand that you and Bristoe are theorist first, and realist second.

Powell's just your run of the mill alpha that can't admit he doesn't know schit about schit.

Which is forgivable.


I'm not a Federal employee assigned to Montana. My priorities are not the same as yours. Presuming to know what others know, or don't, is a rookie mistake.

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.