Dillon, yes the lentils I have grown were for human consumption.

No pulse crops this year though.

I only have one farm that is certified organic, and so far we have only raised spring wheat on it. It is a wreck this year, like everything else.

We tried the grass fat thing here, selling some beef. This area is so poor that folks buy beef by the cut, not by the quarter. Even though they can get better beef for less money buying from me.

We are not set up for retail cuts.

A few years ago Gabe Brown gave a half a day talk that I attended.

Its sounds corny but attending that talk changed my life. Made me excited about agriculture again. We focus on sustainability and profit now, not production.

We quit fallowing land, we stock pile forage for winter grazing, pasture calve on green grass, rotate crops, plant cover crops and so forth.

The only down fall for us is how bloody poor it is here. Folks wont buy our eggs if they cost more than you can buy at the grocery store!

I am MAGA.