Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Old guy used to help us once in a while was a great story teller.

He said he was out fixing fence on horse back one time when he was a young man.

He would lean over and pound in staples instead of getting off his horse.

The last staple he hammered was at the exact moment when a lightning bolt hit the fence, miles away.

His horse was killed instantly so he had to drag himself out from underneath it.

Once free he realized that he had lost the ability to walk forward....he could only walk backwards.

Took some doing but he eventually made it home....backwards.

Said it stuck with him for two weeks.

I was probably about 7 or 8 at the time. I was captivated!

laugh laugh

Back to your New Zealander wife..

Sounds like y'all have a good marriage. I know you have great kids.

Hope you got the immigration nightmare behind you.

Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla!