I've thought through the possibilities also being an anesthetist but as docdb mentioned, space and weight, are always critical.

I have however settled on some benzoin-alcohol skin preps with Super Glue, two rolls of elastic bandages, Torodol, as mentioned and one other product you may find interesting which I carry on big game trips and while bird hunting.

I figure the little cuts etc. will have to take care of themselves; it's the big, open wound from whatever cause that may be life-threatening for which I carry a product called Quickclot by Z-medica (www.z-medica.com) It's a 3.5 oz packet that is an adsorbant hemostatic agent. It simpley pulls water of the plasma to itself allowing the clotting factors, platelets, etc to concentrate initiating rapid clotting even in hemorragic situations. The research on this product has been interesting and dramatic to say the least. One of the surgeons I work with and who is also an outdoor type says he wouldh't hesitate to use it even in the ER should the "right" circumsances occur - it's not on most hospital formularies as it's niche is most certainly emergency situations and thus may be found in some ambulances. It's a 1-2-3- step process and just may save someone's or your dogs life.

Check out the website; they used to have some of the research their and anecdotal info that was very interesting.
