Quit pretending this is a surprise….

This is just Mitch McConnell crap.

Most casual political observers have absolutely no idea how McConnell works. However, for over a decade CTH has been trying –mostly failing– to awaken the base of common sense voters. In 2010, 2011 and 2012 the #1 priority for McConnell was to destroy the threat represented by the Tea Party. In 2022 we were seeing an exact replay of the same McConnell intents and purposes, only this time the target was President Trump’s MAGA movement.

It is a motive and agenda all wrapped up in the senate power structure. McConnell does not fear being in the minority; the color of the flag atop the spire of the UniParty senate does not matter to those underneath it. McConnell maneuvers with just as much power in the minority as he does in the majority; factually, he makes more money selling his DeceptiCon caucus votes to Chuck Schumer (on behalf of Wall Street) than he does in the majority where he is forced to purchase them. The entire thing is a rigged-game.

For those who follow the deep weeds of politics, McConnnell’s schemes are brutally transparent.

Good for Kari Lake to stand firm and tell them to get stuffed.


[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]