I have not watched the video, not sure I can due my service. Maybe I will later.
However, I work side by side with several still serving CF members who were in Afghanistan. These guys are Combat Arms types, mostly Infantry but a couple Tankers.
We talk, a lot at times, about our experiences and where we are now. Due to the confidences they have told me, I won't go into detail however, our Vets, still serving and not, need help dealing with PTSD and any other number of wounds, seen and unseen. Right now, we lean on each other heavily at times. Both men and woman serve in frontline jobs.
I was diagnosed with PTSD in 1994 after serving in Bosnia, Sarajevo airlift to be exact. I dealt with injuries to men, woman and children that no one should see or experience and I will leave it that. I was a Medic so you can guess at what I dealt with over a 26 year career with tours in Bosnia. Funny thing is, I was never told about the diagnosis for almost 25 years. It was tripped over during a routine review of my medical documents.
Anyway, it is important to listen, to recognize when a Vet is opening up to you. Sit, listen and try not to interject what you may have seen on TV etc. as a way to connect. It likely won't work. So please just listen and support them.
This govt is useless when it comes to helping Vets. There are many of them who are homeless for frig sakes. And yes, I realize it has been this way through successive govts.
That is about as open as I'll get on here. I am fortunate to have a good support system, I hunt, fly-fish and try to enjoy life with my family and friends. Oh yeah, I do some outdoor writing as well.