T Inman;
Me again sir, back down without firing a shot, but it was a grand run regardless.

The MAID system was originally presented as a humane way for terminally ill folks to be able to choose to die "with dignity".

That's as I understand it.

At the same time, ironically in my view, the feds are still saying we need more firearms regulations in order to prevent suicide?

The cynical side of me might suggest they don't want competition in anything, death included.

Regarding getting involved in veteran organizations, if you're so inclined then by all means I'd encourage you to do that.

As I've aged and look back on a life of relationships in and out of work, it's the ability to effect positive change in others' lives that have been among the most meaningful - for me.

Thanks again and all the best this weekend T.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"