Good luck out there today Dwayne! Hope you get into them!
I pulled the last of my lynx traps yesterday as the season closed. I still have a few sets out for wolves but haven't caught one of either this year. It has been a slow year, but that is OK. I have the snowmachine loaded and I am planning for an all out assault on ptarmigan here in a couple hours.

I googled a bit more about Canada's MAID system, and my goodness. It seems like it isn't the terminally ill Dr. Kavorkian types that the 'service' is designed for...I honestly don't even want to think about it. Even for Justin Trudeau's regime it is just wrong on so many levels, although some articles I read indicated he was actively fighting against it.

At 19:30 when referring to KIA, Mrs. Sheren said something to the effect of: "They're gone. They don't care". I understand her point to some extent, but in some ways am not in agreement. Back when though, I sometimes felt that the 'lucky' ones were the ones who didn't make it back. There are times i still believe that even though in the back of my mind I feel a bit guilty about it. I really should get more involved with local veterans organizations and do more than I do to help the issue.