T Inman;
Good morning my friend, I hope all is going as well as can be for you up north.

Thanks so much for your thoughts on the subject, you were another one that I was hoping might drop in with your input.

Any thoughts I have are as a complete outsider of course.

The fact that our government is encouraging veterans to commit suicide via our MAID system is so detestable to me that I have a difficult time expressing the degree of disgust and anger.

Hopefully we can have a change of government along with some policy changes in time to save what's left of our armed forces T. As it stands now for so many reasons it's not sustainable and everyone, allies and enemies, can see that.

On a lighter note, I am sitting waiting for a long time buddy to show up and we're heading out to call coyotes and will howl for wolves too just because.

All the best to you this weekend.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"