Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by koshkin
They seem to be falling a little behind on product development at the moment. Hopefully, they will start releasing something new soon or they will Leupold themselves into a tricky situation.


Snipped your post down just to address this point.

Many simply don't understand the volume of scopes Leupold sells. When a company sells everything it can produce before it is produced on has to wonder what more can be done so using "Leupold" as a verb is sort of strange in that context.

Leupold just released the new MK 4 line which has met with, litterally, unprecedented demand. Off the charts level of demand.

I get that it's sort of a hobby here to be against the biggest player in the scope market but to act like Leupold is behind in inovation is simply silly.

Leupold used to be the biggest player in the scope market. They aren't any more because they were sitting on their laurels for too long. They are in the top three, but not close to the top in terms of volume. They lost their market lead. Then they lost a bunch of key people. The finally got off their ass in the last few years, and I like most of their newer stuff.
