Originally Posted by milespatton
I ate in a lot of resturants scattered all across Arkansas during my working career. Ate out five mornings a week for most of it. Ordering eggs over easy resulted with some runny white in probably 90% of them. I went to over medium and things got right. miles
Yes, that's the way I like it, too, regardless of that being mislabeled as over medium at some diners. Fully cooked whites, and runny yolk, is perfect over easy. If the yolk isn't runny at all when broken, that's over well. If it's just a little runny, that's over medium.

I should have taken a second shot of those eggs, too, to demonstrate that the yolks, once broken, spread out over the plate (I never imagined, however, that I'd get pushback on whether or not they were over easy). That's not technically over medium. Over medium would be a yolk that just barely oozes out when broken. Over well is when there's no oozing out at all, once broken.

All that is beside the point, however, of my posted image, which was that cast iron is a great way to cook bacon and eggs.