It's true that America has been going down hill since before FDR but from LBJ on it has accelerated exponentially. Trump did a lot of good in spite of his own party working against him. He could've done much better with help from republicans in congress. Investments are much more volatile than during Trump's term. Clinton's funny money housing catastrophe cost Americans an awful lot especially those that had investments and were nearing retirement. Probably 75% of congress in both houses and both parties should be in prison and past congress' should have their retirement taken away from them and many of them imprisoned for what they did. Pelosi should be hanging from a tree somewhere in Washington in sight of the Capitol.
no, whether anyone will admit it or not we are not better off in this fraudulent administration. We are waging proxi wars over the globe and courting full on nuclear war with Russia. Our federal agencies are a crime syndicate and our Judicial System is reminiscent of Stalin's regime.