I doubt the Iditarod is going anywhere. A good friend of mine ran it this year. He said it cost him over $17,000 to enter the race. Yes just to enter the race, they had 38-39 teams so yeah do the math. Then if you the spectator want to get video feed and gps tracking that’s $49 bucks. So not sure how they are going broke. I also watched the iron dog (several of us talking about doing the expedition class) for $3200 bucks is your entry fee. With that yoh get gas and 2 stroke oil everything else on the trail is on you. The gps tracking is free and their video feeds come from individuals at the check points. Kimberly Kay in koyuk is probably the most known because koyuk is triple check point. In short both of these events is what defines Alaska outdoor adventure. So don’t let the guy formerly from Rock Springs Wyoming tell you any different.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.