I just got back from the orthopaedic clinic and visit with my doc buddy. My heel's been hurting for a couple weeks and I had no idea my plantar had turned fascist but that's what he said. He ordered further weight loss, exercises and threatened physical therapy if things didn't improve. Recalling dogzapper's post, I mentioned the success of Vick's in at least a couple cases. It's worth a try even if the orthopod stepped outside his specialty and diagnosed me as nuts.

The one thing I don't want is physical therapy. The little therapist at that clinic worked me over for knee pain several years ago and I'm still doing the exercises to avoid having to face her again. She was royally PO'd one day when she didn't believe I'd done all the prescribed exercises and gave me a workout that left me wondering how I'd get back to my car.

Anyway, I'll follow doc's orders with exercises, stretching, over the counter pain meds and throw in a little dogzapper treatment and hope something works.