"As long as we give law enforcement officers the unquestioned right to use deadly force in all situations and absolve them of all responsibility as long as they articulate a perceived threat, then they have in effect a license to kill."

Obviously you know that's not true. You're posting on emotion.
The threat you mention doesn't work all the time, maybe more so 20 yrs ago but not in today's day and age of cell pics and cams. Ask Nevers and Budzyn. Or maybe the BART cop when his day comes.

This entire situation is tragic. An old fella is dead and not coming back. Some have mentioned to pull back and meet him at the house. Who's to say he wouldn't be even more fierce in his stance there? I'd wager he'd be even less inclined to have his this encounter at home.

"I Birn Quhil I Se" MacLeod of Lewis
I Burn While I See
Hold Fast MacLeod of Harris