Final bullet tried yesterday was the Swift 400 grain AFs loaded with RL-15. All loads COAL = 3.420", Fed 215M primers, Hornady 416 Ruger cases, MV @ 15'. Range temp = 88 degrees F.

Swift 400 grain AFs, 73-76 grains RL-15 = 2229-2302 fps, KE = 4412-4703 ft-lbs

These are the last firing test reports before hunting with the 404 Ruger in August. Based on feeding tests during the firing, I've decided to use the Swift 400 grain AFs for Cape buffalo and the Barnes 400 grain Banded Solids for elephant. They shoot into the same group and feed flawlessly, as do the Woodleighs. The Hornady DGXs have caused several jams as they chamber, with the flat nose catching on the chamber wall, probably at the shoulder-neck junction.

Case extraction is easy with all RL-15 loads and there have been no apparent pressure problems as the ambient temperatures have increased.

Unexpected events during the testing included the splitting of the Ruger African stock longitudinally in the upper surface of the pistol grip behind the tang and of the wood between the magazine box and trigger guard recess. This factory stock had been glass bedded (obviously poorly), had been shot with the rifle as a 375, but withstood just sixteen 404 rounds before cracking. The Rimrock stock that replaced the cracked wood has withstood over 150 shots, but the rifle scoped in it weighs only 8 lbs. 4 oz. The recoil speed was extremely fast and poorly conducive to follow up shots. Therefore, the African barreled action is now in a Hogue Alaskan stock, total scoped rifle weight with sling 9 lbs 14 oz., making firing follow ups much easier and the recoil much more manageable. The sticky surface and large cross section of the Alaskan stock fore-end �not a particular advantage in the 375 configuration- make the 404 much more controllable. The Hogue stock, at least the added weight, makes a worthwhile modification. These findings may explain why the 416 Ruger is only available in the Alaskan configuration.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty of give me death! P. Henry

Deus vult!

Rhodesians all now