I don't see very many people of Islam where I live, but the ones I do see seem to be "gentle" and friendly. Unfortunately, there are far to many sub cultures of Islam that are very violent and extreme. Those groups make me fear Islam as a social virus whose goal is to ultimately take over the world as its host.

Some of these groups truly believe that their mission in life in service to Allah, is to convert people to Islam OR KILL THEM- period, end of story. They also believe that some of the most important cornerstones of our legal system such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion shall be completely forbidden.

Those freedoms threaten Islam directly. They also consider the legal systems of the western world, in general, blasphemous because they are a collection of "man's laws" instead of God's laws. So, as an extension of that philosophy, they completely dismiss the concept of separation of church and state.

I don't know if this type of situation played a part in the forefathers' belief in the right to bear arms. It seems that right had its strongest roots as a defense against an oppressive government. But we may have an equally important reason to bear arms if this insidious threat continues to develop in the future.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."