An old friend is known to pray" And lord, save me from the religous". The argument can be made that more people have died for the sake of religion than anything else. With that having been said, are we to sit and watch as our society degenerates to mid-evil times. I think not. At some point you have to rise and say" NO MAS". Wether you believe in an afterlife or not, by law, is your decision. As for me and mine, we believe in Jesus Christ as being our savior, and the hope of the world. At no point am I willing to force you to believe as I do. Thats your buisness. Also, I am not willing to have other peoples beliefs forced on me. Isn't that one of the founding fathers principles of the beginning of this country. I therefore will no tolerate any of this crap by the militant muslims. If we must fight, lets do it first thing in the morning, while its cool

You can do more with a kind thought, and a gun, than you can do with just a kind thought.- Al Capone