I've experienced hate & intolerance from supposed christians too. Organized religion is not a good thing IMHO...
My problem with any type of organized religion is that it always seems to revolve around ONE mouthpiece who professes to have "GOD" speaking to him...Look at Heavens Gate guru Marshall Applewhite...Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple fame...hell, might as well throw the Pope out there too...How many more little catholic boys are gonna have to suffer the indignaties imposed on them by their delusional priests before the world wakes up & finally realizes that religion & its promise of an afterlife are nothing more than the biggest scam to ever infect the planet.
Muzzies & their promise of a buch of virgins waiting to service you AFTER death is even funnier...How about a sample "BEFORE" I depart??? Who could actually believe that a "Soul" has reproductive organs??? Can you even "see" a soul??? Especially after you are dead???
Organized religion is only about two things...money & power...
PT Barnum got it right...there's a sucker born every minute.