Originally Posted by Cowboybart
I've been in WY for 10 years and like it, but it is no paradise. You have to look at where the capital of the state is and how that is going. As the capital goes so goes the rest of the state.
All the southern CA libs moved to Denver and F#@ked up that whole state. Now the libs can't stand what they made and are moving to Cheyenne. Once they take over the politcs of Cheyenne I will be forced to live under their rules even though I am 450 miles away.
The northern CA libs moved to Olympia/Seattle and Salem/Portland and hence even the people on Spokane and Bend have to live by the stupid philosophy of the capital city.
ID is getting ruined by $$$ form the libs in CA and AZ.
AZ is behind enemy lines because we won't secure our southern border.
NM is bordering on third world status.
NV would be a possible option but I'm guessing CA libs are moving to Carson City so it won't take long and NV will be like CO.
UT has a lot of people. If you are not connected in the LDS church - good luck.
MT looks promising especially with their "in your face" governor. Finally a polititian that knows what the 10th admendment means.
NE - too flat.
TX/OK - I don't consider western states. Besides if you don't speak spanish - good luck!

Looks like you are left with ND, MT, NV and in that order. I've never been to AK so my opinion would be worthless. When WY gets like CO - I may head to AK.

You forgot Kansas.