Many guys swear by the trusty old 06. I know many that have used it religiously in AK on everything. It gets the job done. I think it would be fine for elk.

I love 300 winnies...used them on everything from deer, sheep and grizzlies. Great caliber, ammo readily avail in a pinch, 30 cal...what more to ask for. I have 2!

I have heard good and bad about the WSMs...but don't need a new caliber just b/c its the new buzz thing. The 300 win and the 06 flat out get it done. Either would be fine for elk. Long distance, open field shooting...7mm is hard to beat....but I just love 300 winnies!

Last edited by Jdogg; 10/30/09.

Psalm 18:34 ->>---->
He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.