I was deer hunting in Maine last weekend and was doing so with my reworked cz 375 because it's the rifle I have this year. I had the barrel cut to 23" and it makes a marked difference in the way it feels in my hands. At any rate, to finish off the day I made a little push through an alder thicket that was probably 80 yards deep. Practically the whole way through I could think of nothing else but what it must be like to go through that or worse to weed out a wounded bear. I can tell you that 23" barrel felt mighty long right then. I was also thinking there would not be a whole lotta time to make a good shot if needed and how easily a bullet of any caliber could be deflected by verge. I can imagine how at close quarters like that good ammunition is worth its weight in gold since striking velocity must be quite close to muzzle velocity.