I can picture myself in the top bunk rolfing out the window every few minutes with my buddy popping little square chewable antacids he found in the cabinet in my mouth. All night, calling moose out the window. I did fine with Jack Daniels all through college until then. Since, I can't go near it. And +1 as they say on the brussel sprouts. They're nasty and cause me to give off a foul odor you can almost see. That reminds me, I was cutting up a deer last night and one of my friends let out a little squeak next to me. I had just eaten 4 beef tenderloins wrapped in bacon piled high with onions. Needless to say, his timing was poor. He thought it was funny until I waited for him to enter the walk in cooler and gassed him and slammed the door for a couple minutes. He said he's a plumber and he is not phased in the least, but after a minute he was crying to be let out. Is that wrong?

"I didn't get the sophisticated gene in this family. I started the sophisticated gene in this family." Willie Robertson