Originally Posted by mike762
Good post, but I would take exception to the "fair" word IRT making laws. That is the road that liberals and progressives have used to implement a progressive income tax, as well as other social equalization legislation. Is it fair that someone is smarter or more productive than his neighbor? No, but the libs think that laws can make it so. It extends to other areas too, especially economics. I think equality before the law is a much better yardstick, where no man is given a either advantage or disadvantage because of his circumstance or connections.
The meaning of "fair" is different for liberals and conservatives. For a liberal, fair means equality of outcome enforced by state power. For a conservative it means equality of the ground rules, and let the chips fall where they may based on individual capability, fortune, effort, etc. To a conservative, making sure the rules of a baseball game are applied without any consideration for the differences in the abilities of the two teams or the individual players equates to a fair game. To a liberal, a fair baseball game is one where the less able team is given some degree of favoritism by bending the rules a little, and making sure that everybody gets an equal amount of time in play, regardless of their ability. A conservative thinks the latter, by definition, unfair, and the liberal thinks the former, by definition, unfair.

How explain this difference? Liberalism is a mental disorder.