Originally Posted by Mac84
Originally Posted by mike762
Then you might as well resign yourself to continued class warfare and "tax the rich" rhetoric, with a concomitant continued expansion of the welfare state.

When 51% of the public can vote to tax the other 49% into oblivion, there's no reason to continue working to support the system. Eventually, you run out of other peoples money and the system collapses.

Unless everyone has skin in the game, and receives the same level of taxation, nothing changes. An 11% flat tax on everyone, including business, would cover our current expenditures. Not having participation by all citizens is what started this problem, and it won't end as long as some feel it is their right to take other peoples property for their own benefit.

Well said.

Very well said!

"For joy of knowing what may not be known we take the golden road to Samarkand."
James Elroy Flecker