
You might try Methadone if the Hydrocodone doesn't help. The problem with narcotics is that they lower your blood oxygen level. Take too many and you pass out and die. I had a friend who was taking many narcotic pain killers. He went in for Open Heart Surgery and the Anesthesiologist said he was taking more Pain medication each day than they normally give the patient for the surgery. They could only take his BOL down to 40 (normal is 95-100 and 32 is Dead) He had a real problem with the recovery because of this.

If you can get a referral or can afford it you may want to go the University of Washington and see if they can help. They are the top rated Orthopedic and Neurological Hospital in the Western US and probably better than anything you can get in Canada. I know two friends from Vancouver who have gone there and had "incurable" back issues fixed.

And no waiting line. grin


"Instead of getting married again I am just going to find a women I don't like and give her a house"