as far as pot, if yah dont want to be stoned off opiates its not an option either, infact alot easier to stay clear headed on opiates cause it is a alot easier to control the dosage to just take the edge off with opiates cause you can control the dosage alot closer....

as far as pot, if you are going to go that route, dont smoke the chit....easiest plan of attack is the fact that the active ingredients easily dissolve in alcohol....get yourself some high quality hash.....all hash is just the glands off the pot plant and none of the green flowers, basically more concentrated but it is no more dangerous as water and screens are used most often to concentrate it, not chemicals.....take the hash and mix it with some 100 plus proof alcohol(the higher the proof the more pot per shot) and let it sit for a week shaking it doing this you can control the dosage atleast for that bottle....1/4 shot, 1/2 shot, full shot, whatever is needed to help....take the shot, hold it under your tongue for as long as yah can stand than get around screwing up your lungs and can control dosage to some extent though its gonna change when yah make the next bottle....also the effects last longer when it is absorbed through the gut, smoking gives yah a quick concentrated dose via the lungs....the gut is more time release and will take longer to take effect just like taking a pill....

you can also do a pill form but i dont suggest it unless your growing cause its labor intensive and extremely expensive if your not supplying your own material...

Last edited by rattler; 02/28/10.

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