After reading all these comments, I read the editorial myself, twice, at the grocery store today. So I'll have to quote from memory. I've got to side with Dan C Johnson & Dave in WV- two other people who did read the article. Nowhere did I see where Lee Hoots condemned the Core-Lockt. I believe the point being made was that when he asked the other hunter what bullet he was using (after having payed good money to be on this hunt & apparently being a veteran of a few other hunts) the other hunter didn't have a clue what he was even using! His first answer was, "180 grains". Then when asked more specifically, he said "the cheapest one on the shelf". It appeared to me that Lee Hoots used this as an opportunity to make the point that there are regular bullets and then there are premium bullets (Guns & Ammo being geared to a little less experienced crowd than most here at 24 Hr Campfire). He didn't even say that premium bullets are necessary to kill a deer. Anyway, that's my two cents on how I took the editorial.