Originally Posted by Steve_NO
the constitution really doesn't have much application to air travel.....you decide to fly commercial, you've already waived your fourth amendment right not to be searched without a warrant.

Boy, you're providing me with all kinds of ammo this morning..... grin

The GOVERNMENT is dictating these "rules"--not private carriers. It's one thing if a private enterprise wants to require its own rules, quite another when government overreaches (by a mile).

Originally Posted by Steve_NO

it's more an issue of reasonableness or not, and how intrusive the goons are allowed to be. of course, if you don't refuse the scanner, you don't get felt up. and if you don't fly commercial, you never have to even see a TSA guy.

If I, and all Americans, could excercise our Constitutional rights and carry a firearm, we would never see a TSA guy either........but...that would reduce the size of government, and we can't have that........

Originally Posted by Steve_NO

TSA's regs are written by Big Sis and a bunch of bureaucrats, but they can be ordered by Congress to rewrite them, which is what I assume RP's bill attempts to do.

Patriot Act, TSA, and now you're seeing the consequences.

The Liberty Boys tried to explain this to you years ago--but you would have none of it......probably because the Red Team are the ones who created it and opened the door(s).



Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.