Originally Posted by mcmurphrjk
Steve, when did we buy into the notion that driving, flying, etc. is a privilege and not a right?
The airline and I are conducting a business transaction. The airline has a vested interest in their planes not falling out of the sky. The airline therefore has the right to put whatever stipulations I might accept into that agreement. Should those demands get too stringent, I can choose another carrier, or another mode of transportation.
But now the government has gotten themselves between me and the carrier, in our transaction. Now I have no say as to the terms of the transaction, so the government can impose whatever restrictions it likes, and I have no option but another form of transportation.
The way i see it, I should have a right to engage in any of these activities, as i see fit, without loss of basic rights, until there is a compelling and legal reason to forbid me from doing so.
Where did I go wrong?

Remember, Steve is a lawyer and a third tier member of the ruling class. He favors big government/big brother as it means more business for him. The Constitution be damn, it only gets in the way of making money unless he can use the Constitution to make even more money.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude