Hope it works as well for you. If the bore is really copper fouled it might take a couple of soakings to get it all out, and a nylon brush for a mechanical �urging� doesn�t hurt either. But with the Dyna bore coat the copper fouling is so light that one soak gets out 99% or it � or at least as far as I can tell from looking in the bore and running another wet patch of copper killer through that comes out with no blue on it.

I only do this with the Montana products since MD reports they can be left in the bore for long periods without harm. Sweet�s 7.62 warns that it should only be left in for 15 minutes max. I don�t know about Barnes CR-10 or any of the other aggressive copper solvents but I�d make sure they are okay before doing this.

Actually, the DBC is what got me started. You have to clean to bare metal and I got real tired of multiple patches of JB bore compound followed by copper solvent followed by JB followed by...etc. After doing that to the first one and then looking at a bunch more rifles to coat I thought there must be a better way, so I tried the overnight soaking and that got all of the copper out without the laborious scrubbing.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!