
Thanks for the info.

I'll be back in the Sierra this week huntin' brown trout. My primary strategy is avoidance, bear not trout although sometimes I think I'm avoidin' trout, too. Thank God, it's worked so far. The way I got it figured, and I ain't done a lot math lately, if I can carry a handgun, that's the way I'll go. I can't see my carrying a handgun & bear spray, too.

There is a healthy population of black bears in the Eastern Sierra. The wilderness belongs to them. I do not want to shoot a bear. I don't hunt them either. As long as they have no designs on us & they allow us to trespass unharmed into their domain, I prefer to leave 'em just like I find 'em.

There is an excellent trout fishin' hole I've fished that's at the base of the Eastern Sierra. I haven't taken a gun while fishing it because it ain't bear territory. A couple weeks ago I was walking to it a 0 dark thirty. Suddenly the thought came to me that it's classic mountain lion territory. I fear lion more than bear. When I fish it next week I'm thinking I might take a handgun.

Buena Suerte,