Plain beeswax will keep boots useful far longer than any other boot dressing... Nothing else comes close. It also keeps water out of the leather far longer than anything else. Nothing else comes close.

When posters say things patently untrue to bolster their arguments it misleads others to doing things that are not in their best interest.

For example Irish Setter boots are not magic... Use second-tier waterproofing like Obenauf's and by the end of a couple days, maximum, they will be waterlogged and stretched beyond safe use for anything requiring support. Sno-Seal will not last a day... Suggesting Obenauf's is too much and the Irish Setter boots are going to be functional boots after repeated, prolonged, swamp water soaking is bullschit. Notice there is absolutely NO leather dressing listed? Gore-Tex is going to do it all!!!

I am not THAT adamant about beeswax... If you notice I have repeatedly said you might not need beeswax level waterproofing and I have listed lots of drawbacks to wax... I simply resent obvious smoke being blown up ticklish orifi by pretenders.

Some years back I had a guy show up in Kodiak for a chartered deer hunt wearing leather "boots" with dress shoe soles! I had given everyone the rundown on what works and what was absolutely needed. No wax and no grip will not last long on Kodiak. The guy never left the beach and bitched about not seeing deer. Boots are way too important for what we do and keeping them functional is even more important. I guarantee bare Irish Setters would be a total failure on the average Kodiak hunt, Gore-Tex included.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.