I spose in the real world not much, but then again if I wanted to look at it that was I'd use a 06 and a 168 or 180 and have a 22 LR and a 12 gauge....grin

To me, it's not so much about what else it will do but I just plain like it and want it so I use it. 4 me, it's the extra work of making the cases is of no big deal. Think the last time I did 50 virgin cases it took 8 minutes, I can't even cook a pizza in that time. Then I had to take the time to fire form them, and they shoot MOA to 500 so it's all good practice for me.

The Mash takes me speed wise places I can't go with the 7 RM, the Wby is surely in the arena but has none of the Panache for me that the Wby or RM has. And for me that's kind of important.

Plus, I got to know Hagel a bit so for me I enjoy using the round as I know that Bob used it. Good enough for me.

Long and the short people should use it if they wish, don't if it doesn't make sense to them and hit the hill and hunt hard the rest of the time.

Bottom line, this stuff is just fun for me, if I wanted to be reasonable about it like I said there's other ways to do it. Bout the time I worry about the extra expense of a set of dies that I paid more for than I would of another set of dies I'll start doing all my hunting at the grocery store.

I don't dick with a lot of different guns, I don't buy new guns every year. I have a few old favs that I run the hell out of. My 700 Mash is ready for it's 9th tube. I like the gun, I'm intimate with it and I can get things done with it in an ok manner. So 4 me, it works.

Gotta run, you all have a good day!


(Joe, you run a 7 Allen?)

"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy