Originally Posted by 406_SBC
bigliar...not trashing you or the thread, just can't keep from commenting on your imagination. You've got all kinds of opinions but not one of them is derived in reality nor is anyone one them based on your experience outside of your dreams.

You sir are the coward. You want to set me straight by me paying for everything and then you on your word will reimburse my expenses if I can find you in So. Cal. You are a fool's fool. I'll still be in ANC on Tuesday of next week...

Keep posting about that which you have not the first clue, regurgitate ballistics charts and then guess freely as to supposed external abilities; it's entertainment for us all.
.............Not trashing me? Oh?? Then what would you call it then?

Yep! You cannot seem to refrain yourself.

Oh yeah! Just like I have your word that you`ll be in ANC at a certain time and on a certain date? Yeah sure! And you`ll re-arrange my busy schedule for me there too where I lose hundreds of dollars per day just to fly up on "your" damned word?

A coward? Me? Why sure I am! You always seem to know what you`re talking about!

Since "bigliar" and now "coward" seems to be your favorite references for me, and since I am such a "big liar" as well as now a "coward",,,,you`re always welcome to come down here and test your theories. The real truth is, you`ll be damn lucky to get through the last syllable of those two words if you were to ever get the opportunity to express yourself in person with me. You`ll be on the ground real fast...That my friend is an absolute guarantee. Not a threat, but a damned fact.

You can remain in ANC until hell freezes over and keep on telling me when you`ll be there. Nevertheless, your proposal strictly favors your conveniences. I am under working contracts and scheduling obligations that are well cemented ahead of time. The people I teach also have other obligations which work around my class scheduling. You are asking me to re-arrange and disrupt the schedule of alot of people, whereas you give up nothing or any in-conveniences where any scheduling is concerned??

If you are so damned possessed and hell bent on proving yourself, proving your alter ego, and proving yourself to this forum, while at the same time disproving or discrediting me all across the board, then the burden of proof rests with you. I have made my proposal clear to you and that is the best that I intend to offer.

If ever in a face to face,,,we`ll see who the true coward really is. Nose to nose, I will give the opportunty to express yourself. If you choose to express yourself the same way directly to my face in person as you do from a keyboard, your expressions will be extremely brief.

So what next there big man? You just gonna keep following me around from post to post on this forum, or do you really want to take your best whack at me? Hmmmm?

I told you that I will mail you a copy of your cashiers check re-inmbursing you for the correct amount of your round trip plane expenses, after you mail to me copies all of your info and flight information proving that you paid for your tickets. That cashiers check will be on my possession waiting for you, and will be shown to you after you de-plane and before going any further.

And you want me to just drop everything, fly 3500-4000 miles one way and meet you in ANC, when you are conveniently there on your own business anyway?

Such a "convenient" deal,,,,,,,,,,,,for you.

Nope! You can come down here. I`ll be very co-operative with you in order to test your theories. First, you can see an album or albums, and then secondly by your own choice to find out who the true coward really is between us.

28 Nosler,,,,300WSM,,,,338-378 Wby,,,,375 Ruger