Originally Posted by RockyRaab
You can simply stuff a few eggs (hard-boiled) into the remaining juice when the pickles are gone. Refrigerate for two weeks. Add some baby carrots, baby onions, and a chili of whatever heat you like as an option. Either kosher dill or bread and butter juice is fine.

You betcha!

Rocky, in fact it was your post back about June about dropping some hard-boiled eggs into a recently-emptied pickle jar that got me to make my first pickled eggs!

However, even though I liked that approach (especially with dill pickle brine -- nice and tart!), I do not go through enough pickles to keep up with my pickled egg habit!

After you woke my interest in pickled eggs, I found the "pub pickled eggs" recipe on the net, and I am now looking for yet others... smile
