It is the decline in REAL ...British influence..., here in Canada and in "The Old Commonwealth", i.e. Australia and New Zealand, that IS our major problem.....which, btw, was/is the crux of my point here.

The perversions wrought upon our British parliamentary government and constitutional monarchy, are MOST obvious where firearms issues are concerned, however, there are other, deeper and even more insidious forces now attacking Canada, some of "cultural" and others of economic type and they ARE winning.

The entire "Official Multiculturalism" and "Human Rights Commission" mess is the most obvious problem, but, the constant attacks upon our British-based and once-proud culture, are even more destructive and these largely are in our (laff,laff) "education system" and corporate media. The latter is largely owned and controlled by the same group that the "gun grabbers" draw so many members from.

...detect too much British influence..., why, would the internal, cultural mores of a foreign nation concern you, given that Canada, is hardly a military threat to the USA? This, is an issue about Americans, that has always puzzled me, but, as you say, the ties of friendship are strong and we certainly agree on the whole ...government power... point.

The initial thing I would love to see is the government enacting legislation to prevent the corporate ownership of large sections of Canadian mass media. This, is one MAJOR problem in this country and it should not be allowed.