I hope this finds you and yours acceptably well this last Saturday in December '12.

Your comment is of course exactly on point and succinctly shows the problematic approach that is typical of those who wish to ban tools.

I recall vividly having a conversation decades ago with an RCMP Constable when we were having FN FAL's go on the restricted list. I suggested to him that there was no logical reason for what was essentially the beginning of a ban on them.

He replied that if someone pointed an FN FAL at him, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a semi-auto version which we were speaking of or a full auto capable version that was already prohibited here.

When I heard that particular line of flawed logic, I responded my saying that if someone pointed a single shot Cooey .22 at me he had my undivided attention and that wouldn't change one iota regardless of the color of the rifle being pointed at me.

Anyway I'm not sure I changed anyone's mind that day, but the Constable did concede that he really wasn't keen on being shot with anything either.

To my way of thinking, those who wish to ban tools - guns in this case - find it easier to do if they can compartmentalize certain tools and then give them labels which might frighten the uninformed and uneducated.

I actually was plowing out my neighbor's driveway a day or two back and got into this discussion with them. They are nice enough folks, but certainly would be considered politically much to the left of where I stand......of course I'm a wee bit right of Attila the Hun. wink

Anyway they were all for banning this and that tool and finally admitted that they'd like all guns banned. I pointed out that for instance Mexico currently had a ban in place and it didn't take a lot of research to see how wonderfully that was working out for them.

I also pointed out how armed the Finns and the Swiss are - my take and opinion being that either here or in your homeland, any issues with violence and tools are emphatically not tool issues.

Anyway sir, I am cognizant that I'm preaching to the proverbial choir here, but this is only to let you know that I do preach to the congregation and the people on the streets as well.

Lastly, according to my faulty memory of assault stats here in Canada, knives and assorted clubs were used many fold more times than any firearms. Again, it's not a tool issue we have here - it's a deep rooted societal cancer that some would rather treat with some cough syrup than the chemo we need.

On a cheerier note, I do hope that 2013 is a banner year for you and your family sir - all the best to you all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"