Originally Posted by wabigoon
Some good points.
Years back, when the young fellows carried a fancy club in the cars, I told them that would look bad as "Exhbit A",to the jury.
I recomended a straight claw hammer. A bit easier to pass off as pure self defence.

A baseball bat is even better........much more effective & more explainable.
Classification: Kid's toy
Officer asks: "What were you doing with a baseball bat on the back seat?"
My response: "I've got 2 teenage boys officer. Teenage boys play a lot of baseball."
Yup.....to the cops (who let's face it are and always were minions of the government) we're worse than the bad guys the criminal justice system molly coddles just for having guns. It's not hard to see where this is all heading with Obama, the UN & the ATT, Soros, Bloomberg, Pelosi & Feinstein backing the backstage international super-rich elite who themselves are surrounded with armed body guards.
When the LPC regains power in Canada under Justin Trudeau whose father was a champion among the elite international gun banners the Canadians will no doubt be turning in their handguns and semi-autos as soon as the next "enabling' mass shooting incident happens.......and the incidents will continue to happen because political correctness and the disarmament agenda is more important to them than even our kids and they will not post armed guards in schools no matter how many kids are slaughtered. They will never let the truth get in the way of ideology.

Proud Life Member of the NRA & GOA