Hack- we've chatted enough that I know when I am going, I'm going with you. Closing on a house at the upper end of my budget and looming fiscal cliffs don't help. But I watch all 3 channels on Dish on and off when I am indoors. Seeing your show would certainly keep me focused on the savings and my priorities in the forefront of my daily life.

I know nothing of business but would guess a lot of dumb schitt like Ozonics and other gimmicks are sold due to the advertising. This Bone Collector stuff I thought to be THE DUMBEST line of marketing ever. But the Bubbas eat that stuff up. I say go for it. Just don't pimp yourself for free. I would be fearful of getting worked over with pretty extensive head counts to "get the shot". I like you would see a ton more bookings from just a few episodes. As long as that's your goal.

Please God, give me some good tags this year....