Originally Posted by JohnBurns

Maybe we should wait until O gets to replace another of the conservative Justices and then bring a case??

This really is the best chance in my lifetime of settling the issue in a favorable manner. Understand that the worst that could happen is an unconstitutional law would stand.

This is the crux of it. SCOTUS is going to be making some key 2A rulings that are going to shape the landscape forever.

If we are lucky we can have the court as it stands now make them or we can wait until Scalia is replaced by a another Sotomyer and then make the rulings.

Better we get what we can, now, set in decision.

Frankly if the court could invalidate the NYS law and make mention of several of the key issues in the law, and then find a case that applies full faityh and credit to carry. we would have garnered a lot.

The shifting demographics of the country will insure a more liberal court in the future and those same demographics are going to make congress worse as well.

The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. Under this Republic the rewards of industry belong to those who earn them. Coolidge