Originally Posted by RISJR
That's the point. It IS a TAX. Just because Obama says it's not doesn't make it so. If you read the majority opinion you will find that what Roberts did was actually pretty smart. He was able to get the liberal wing of the court to restrict congressional power under the commerce clause. LINK

Precisely. Many will see the wisdom behind all that Roberts accomplished with his ruling only as time passes and the problems facing this administration because of Robert's ruling actually kick into play.

By the end of this year or the 1st quarter of 2014, Roberts is going to become a lot brighter to many folks.

I don't think so. They'll just remodel all their gun control schemes after 0bamacare & the NFA.

$50,000 tax on 11+ round magazines anyone? How about $250,000 property tax on that AR in your closet?

Islam is a terrorist organization.